How Do I Use College Match?

LifeLaunchr’s database contains profiles of (nearly) every four-year public and private non-profit university in the United States. We don’t include information on for-profit institutions, two-year institutions, or solely graduate institutions yet. We’ll be expanding our search to add those soon. To use the college match, enter information about yourself. Then make selections in the various selection boxes.

The list will automatically update each time you make changes. Since different criteria are important to different users, we allow you to say which criteria matter and which don’t. You can enter over 35 different criteria including cost, earnings, location, academic selectivity, and culture. When you find institutions you might be interested in, click the buttons on the left of the name to expand their entries. You’ll be able to see which colleges are “reach,” “target,” or “safety” schools for you. You’ll also be able to see the likely cost for students in your income bracket and the median earnings after college for students who attend the university. If the median earnings are higher than the national average, you’ll see a plus sign next to the number. Otherwise, you’ll see a minus sign. You can also see videos, and access net price calculators.

To get automated reminders via text and email for a college’s deadlines and requirements, click the “follow” button to add it to your member dashboard.

For more information about how to use College Match as a student or coach, watch the videos below.

Using College Match as a Student

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